Web Technology and its Applications Module 2
Types of list in HTML (Unordered List , Ordered List , Nested Lists, Definition Lists)
Tables in HTML (rowspan and colspan, align and valign, cellpadding and cellspacing, Sections)
Form in HTML
Frames in HTML
Explain Positioning Elements in CSS?
Explain the different ways of position Elements In CSS layout techniques
Approaches to CSS Layout .
Explain fixed Layout and Liquid Layout with example each. List liquid and Fixed layout Advantages and limitations.
Discuss <table> element along row spanning and column
What is Responsive Design? Explain the components that make responsive web design. Why its important ? explain in detail.
Explain the basic table Structure . Create an HTML Document for the following figure.
Explain Positioning elements in CSS
What does floating an element do in CSS ? How do you float an element?
Compare/Difference between radio button and checkbox controls of HTML 5 with Examples.
Differentiate between http get and post.
Explain different forms of text input controls with example.
Explain the role of display and visibility properties in CSS with examples.
Write short note on radio buttons and check boxes?