Municipal Waste Water Engineering

Describe Factors Affecting Dry Weather Flow (DWF)?

The dry weather flow or the quantity of sanitary sewage depends upon the following factors:

• Rate of water supply 
• Population growth  ​​​
• Type of area served ​​​​​​
• Infiltration of ground water 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Rate of water supply   

  1.  The rate of water supply to a city or town is a expressed so many capital /day.
  2. The quantity of waste water entering the sewers would be less than the total quantity of water supplied. 
  3. This extra  water that enter the sewer can be assumed to approximately equal to the water lost in consumption. 

 Population growth​​​​​​​

  1.   The quantity of sanitary sewage  directly depend on the population. 
  2. The sewage quantity with will be produced in the town due to future development of the town and  population should be taken into account and possible accurate result should be obtained. 

 Types of area served 


  •  The quantity of sanitary sewage also depend on the type of area to be served it is residential,  industrial or  commercial. 
  • The quantity of sewage produced in residential areas directly depend on the quantity of water supply to the area. 
  • The quantity is obtained by multiplying the population with this factor. The quantity of sewage produced by various industries depend on the various industries,  and it is different for each industry.

Infiltration of Ground Water 

  1.  Groundwater or sub-soil water may Infiltrate intothe sewers through  the leaky  joints.
  2. Both Infiltration as well as ex- filtration are undesirable and take place due to imperfect joints.