Raj Kumar
Computer Science And Engineering

What is Apache Ambari?

Big Data Analytics


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Apache Ambari is an open-source administration tool deployed on top of Hadoop clusters, and it is responsible for keeping track of the running applications and their status. Apache Ambari can be referred to as a web-based management tool that manages, monitors, and provisions the health of Hadoop clusters.

Introduction to Apache Ambari

It provides a highly interactive dashboard that allows administrators to visualize the progress and status of every application running over the Hadoop cluster.


Its flexible and scalable user interface allows a range of tools such as Pig, MapReduce, Hive, etc. to be installed on the cluster and administers their performances in a user-friendly fashion. Some of the key features of this technology can be highlighted as:


  • Instantaneous insight into the health of the Hadoop cluster using preconfigured operational metrics
  • User-friendly configuration providing an easy step-by-step guide for installation
  • Installation of Apache Ambari is possible through Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)
  • Monitoring dependencies and performances by visualizing and analyzing jobs and tasks
  • Authentication, authorization, and auditing by installing Kerberos-based Hadoop clusters
  • Flexible and adaptive technology fitting perfectly in the enterprise environment

   Raj Kumar
Computer Science And Engineering

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