The properties of steel required for engineering design may be classified as
A . Physical properties
B . Mechanical properties
A . Physical properties:- The Physical properties of steel are function of its metallurgy and manufacturing process. Some of important physical properties of structure steel are listed below SI.NO. Physical properties Magnitude 1. Modulus of elasticity 2×10^5 (E) mpa
2. Modulus of Rigidity 0.769 × 10^5 (R) mpa
3. Poisson's Ratio 0.3-Elastic range 0.5 plastic range
4. Density or unit mass 7850 kg/m^3 of steel (Raw)
5. Coefficient of thermal 12× 10^-6/ expansion degree celsus
B. Mechanical properties:- The alloys and the heat treatment used in the production of steel results in having different properties and strength. The mechanical properties are listen as follows.
1. Tensile strength 2. Hardness 3. Notch Toughness 4. Corrosion Resistance 5. Fatigue strength