Raj Kumar
Computer Science And Engineering

Difference between Conservancy and Water carriage system

Municipal Waste Water Engineering

Answer in Short

 Conservancy system are The system is unhygienic since everything is visible. Water Carriage Systems are The system is hygienic. Sewers are laid below the ground and hence excreta etc. Is not visible.


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 Conservancy system

  1. The system is unhygienic since everything is visible.
  2. Due to putrefication, there is a lot of foul smell.
  3. Compact house design is not possible.
  4. Large labour force is required.
  5. Water consumption is small.
  6. No technical persons required.
  7.  Acute pollution problems.            

Water Carriage Systems

  1. The system is hygienic. Sewers are laid below the ground and hence excreta etc. Is not visible.
  2. No changes of putrefication and hence no foul smell.
  3. Compact design is possible .
  4. Labour force is negligible small.
  5. Required high water consumption.
  6. Technical persons required.
  7. Pollution problems are rare.



   Raj Kumar
Computer Science And Engineering

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