Explain briefly Infix expression, Polish Notation and Reverse Polish Notation ?

Data Structures and Algorithms

Answer in Short

Infix expression- The expression in which operator is placed in between operands. Polish Notation are .... names after the Polish Mathematician Jan Lukasiewiez, refers to the expression in which the operator is placed before the operands also called


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==> Infix expression---

  • The expression in which operator is placed in between operands
  • Ex. a+b

==> Polish Notation---

  •  - names after the Polish Mathematician Jan Lukasiewiez, refers to the expression in which the operator is placed before the operands also called prefix expression.
  • Ex. +ab

==> Reverse Polish Notation---

  • refers to the expression in which the operator is placed after the operands also called postfix expression or suffix Expression.
  • Ex. ab+ 


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