Explain Multiple stacks ?
Define stacks. Explain various operation of stacks ?
Define stacks . Explain implementation of stacks ?
Explain Applications of Stack ?
Explain briefly Infix expression, Polish Notation and Reverse Polish Notation ?
Define Evaluation of Postfix expression. Explain algorithm and example for it ?
Explain Conversion to Infix expression to Postfix expression
Explain stacks using dynamic arrays ?
Explain Factorial of a number ?
Explain Fibonacci Sequence ?
Define Tower of Hanoi. Explain Problem statement for Tower of Hanoi ?
Define Tower of Hanoi . Explain algorithm for Tower of Hanoi ?
Explain Ackermann function in details ?
Define Queue. Explain Basic features of Queue ?
Define Queue. Explain Applications of Queue ?
Explain about Implementation of Queue ?
Explain simple queue ? Brief disadvantages of simple queue.
Explain Algorithm for Enqueue operation and Algorithm for Dequeue operation using array ?
Define Circular Queue. Describe implementation of Circular Queue ?
Explain Dequeues- Double Ended Queues ?
Define Priority Queue. Explain Application and implementation of Priority Queue ?