Define Queue. Explain Basic features of Queue ? 

Data Structures and Algorithms

Answer in Short

Queue is a first in first out FIFO linear data structure. Queue is an important data structure for computer applications even.Queue is linear data structure in which deletion of element can take place only at one end called the front end and insertio


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==>  Queue--

  •  Queue is a first in first out FIFO linear data structure Queue is an important data structure for computer applications even.
  • Queue is linear data structure in which deletion of element can take place only at one end called the front end and insertion can take place at the other end called the rear

==> Basic features of Queue--

  1. Like Stack, Queue is also an ordered list of elements of similar data types.
  2. Queue is a FIFO( First in First Out ) structure.
  3. Once a new element is inserted into the Queue, all the elements inserted before the new element in the queue must be removed, to remove the new element.
  4. peek( ) function is oftenly used to return the value of first element without dequeuing it.


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