Explain simple queue ? Brief disadvantages of simple queue.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Answer in Short

A simple queue is the most basic queue.In this queue, the enqueue operation takes place at the rear, while the dequeue operation takes place at the front: Its applications are process scheduling, disk scheduling, memory management, IO buffer, pipes,


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==>  simple queue--

  • A simple queue is the most basic queue. In this queue, the enqueue operation takes place at the rear, while the dequeue operation takes place at the front: Its applications are process scheduling, disk scheduling, memory management, IO buffer, pipes, call center phone systems, and interrupt handling
  • Simple QUEUE of Characters (Array Implementation of Queue with maximum size MAX)
  1. Insert an Element on to QUEUE
  2. . Delete an Element from QUEUE
  3. Demonstrate Overflow and Underflow situations on QUEUE
  4. . Display the status of QUEUE
  5. Exit 

==> Disadvantage Simple Queue--

  • When the first element is serviced, the front is moved to next element. However, the position vacated is not available for further use. Thus, we may encounter a situation, wherein program shows that queue is full, while all the elements have been deleted are available but unusable, though empty. 


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