Lalit Mahato
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)

Comparison between Direct shear test and Triaxial Shear test  ?

Basic Geotechnical Engineering

Answer in Short

Direct shear test is the simplest and oldest test. Triaxial test is much more complicated. ... Click to view full answer.


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SI.NO. Direct shear test  Triaxial shear test 
 1. Direct shear test is the simplest and oldest test. Triaxial test is much more complicated. 
 2. It is difficult to control the drainage condition.  Drainage condition during the test can be controlled. 
 3.  Pore water pressure cannot be measured.  Pore water pressure can be measured. 
 4. The shear failure is predetermined  shear failure is not predetermined 
 5. Only total stresses are known.  Effective stress can also be determined. 
 6.  Stress distribution on the failure plane is non-uniform  Stress distribution on the failure plane is uniform. 


   Lalit Mahato
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)

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