Lalit Mahato
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)

Road Patterns 


Answer in Short

The various road patterns may be classified as follows: 1.Rectangular or block pattern  2.Radial or star and block pattern  3.Radial or star and circular patterns  4.Radial aor star and grid pattern 5. Hexagonal pattern 6. Minimum travel patt


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There are various types of road patterns and each patterns has its own advantages and limitations.  The choice of road patterns depends upon the various factors such as :

  • Locality 
  • Layout of the different towns, villages, industrial and production centers 
  • Planning Engineer 

The various road patterns may be classified as follows:

  1. Rectangular or block pattern 
  2. Radial or star and block pattern 
  3. Radial or star and circular patterns 
  4. Radial aor star and grid pattern
  5. Hexagonal pattern
  6. Minimum travel pattern 

   Lalit Mahato
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)

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