Lalit Mahato
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)

Factors controlling Alignment 


Answer in Short

The various factors control the alignment are as follows:- 1.Obligatory points  2.Traffic  3.Geometric Design  4.Economics  5.Other considerations... View full answer


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The various factors control the alignment are as follows:-

  1. Obligatory points 
  2. Traffic 
  3. Geometric Design 
  4. Economics 
  5. Other considerations

1. Obligatory points 

         These are the control points governing the highway alignment. This point are classified by into two categories.

  1. Points through which the alignment should pass
  2. Points through which the alignment should not pass

1. Points through which the alignment should pass :-

  • Bridge site : The Bridge can be located only where the river has straight and permanent path and also where the abutment and pier  an be strongly founded. 

2. Points through which the alignment should not  pass 

  • Religious places: These has been protected by the law from being acquired for any purpose. 

2. Traffic 

  • The alignment should suit the traffic requirements . Based on the origin to destination data of the area the desire line should be drawn.  The new alignment should be drawn keeping in view the desire lines, traffic flow patterns. 

3. Geometric Design 

  • Geometric design factors such as gradient,  radius of curve,  sight distance etc, also governs the alignment of the highway.  To keep the radius of curve minimum,  it may be required to change the alignment of the highway. 

4. Economics 

  • The alignment finalized should be economical.  All the three cost I.e. construction,  maintenance,  and operating cost should be minimum. 

5. Other  considerations 

  • The various other factors that govern the alignment are drainage considerations,  political considerations and monotony. The vertical alignment is often guided by drainage considerations such as sub surface drainage, water level, seepage flow,  and high flood levels. 

   Lalit Mahato
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)

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