Define BUS arbitration. With a neat diagram, explain different bus arbitration mechanism
• The device that is allowed to initiate data transfers on bus at any given time is called bus-master.
• There can be only one bus master at any given time.
• Bus arbitration is the process by which next device to become the bus-master is selected and bus-mastership is transferred to it.
• There are 2 approaches to bus arbitration:
1) In centralized arbitration, a single bus-arbiter performs the required arbitration.
2) In distributed arbitration, all device participate in selection of next bus-master.
• A single bus-arbiter performs the required arbitration (Figure: 4.20 & 4.21).
• Normally, processor is the bus. master unless it grants bus mastership to one of the DMA controllers.
• A DMA controller indicates that it needs to become busmaster by activating Bus-Request line(BR).
• The signal on the BR line is the logical OR of bus-requests from all devices connected to it.
• When BR is activated, processor activates Bus-Grant signal(BG1) indicating to DMA controllers that they may use bus when it becomes free. (This signal is connected to all DMA controllers using a daisy-chain arrangement). • If DMA controller-1 is requesting the bus, it blocks propagation of grant-signal to other devices. Otherwise, it passes the grant downstream by asserting BG2.
• Current bus-master indicates to all devices that it is using bus by activating Bus-Busy line (BBSY).
• Arbiter circuit ensures that only one request is granted at any given time according to a predefined priority scheme
A conflict may arise if both the processor and a DMA controller try to use the bus at the same time to access the main memory. To resolve these conflicts, a special circuit called the bus arbiter is provided to coordinate the activities of all devices requesting memory transfers.
• All device participate in the selection of next bus-master (Figure 4.22)
• Each device on bus is assigned a 4-bit identification number (ID).
• When 1 or more devices request bus, they → assert Start-Arbitration signal & → place their 4-bit ID numbers on four open-collector lines ARB 0 through ARB 3 .
• A winner is selected as a result of interaction among signals transmitted over these lines by all contenders.
• Net outcome is that the code on 4 lines represents request that has the highest ID number.
• Main advantage: This approach offers higher reliability since operation of bus is not dependent on any single device.