Sudeep Kumar Das

What is the importance of Non-conventional energy resources?

NCES(Non - Conventional Energy Resources


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The concern for environmental due to the ever increasing use of fossil fuels & rapid depletion of these resources has led to the development of alternative sources of energy, which are renewable & environmental friendly. Following points may be mentioned in this connection.

1) The demand of energy is increasing by leaps & bounds due to rapid industrialization & population growth, the conventional sources of energy will not be sufficient to meet the growing demand.

2) Conventional sources (fossil fuels, nuclear) also cause pollution; there by their use degrade the environment.

3) Conventional sources (except hydro) are non-renewable & bound to finish one day.

4) Large hydro-resources affect wild-life, cause deforestation & pose various social problems, due to construction of big dams.

5) Fossil fuels are also used as raw materials in the chemical industry (for chemicals, medicines, etc) & need to be conserved for future generations.

Due to these reasons it has become important to explore & develop nonconventional energy resources to reduce too much dependence on conventional resources. However, the present trend development of nces indicates that these will serve as supplements rather than substitute for conventional sources for some more time to time.


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