What are the classification of energy resources?
1. Based on usability of energy:
a) Primary resources:
Resources available in nature in raw form is called primary energy resources. Ex: Fossil fuels (coal, oil & gas), uranium, hydro energy. These are also known as raw energy resources.
b) Intermediate resources: This is obtained from primary energy resources by one or more steps of transformation & is used as a vehicle of energy.
c) Secondary resources: The form of energy, which is finally supplied to consume for utilization. Ex: electrical energy, thermal energy (in the form of steam or hot water), chemical energy (in the form of hydrogen or fossil fuels). Some form of energies may be classified as both intermediate as well as secondary sources. Ex: electricity, hydrogen.
2. Based on traditional use:
a) Conventional: Energy resources which have been traditionally used for many decades. Ex: fossil fuels, nuclear & hydro resources
b) Non-conventional: Energy resources which are considered for large scale & renewable. Ex : solar, wind & bio-mass
3. Based on term availability:
a) Non-renewable resources: resources which are finited, & do not get replenished after their consumption. Ex : fossil fuels, uranium
b) Renewable resources: resources which are renewed by nature again & again & their supply are not affected by the rate of their consumption. Ex : solar, wind, biomass, ocean ( thermal, tidal & wave), geothermal, hydro
4. Based on commercial application:
a) Commercial energy resources: the secondary useable energy forms such as electricity, petrol, and diesel are essential for commercial activities. The economy of a country depends on its ability to convert natural raw energy into commercial energy. Ex : coal, oil, gas, uranium, & hydro
b) Non-commercial energy resources: the energy derived from nature & used – directly without passing through commercial outlet. Ex: wood, animal dung cake, crop residue.
5. Based on origin:
a) Fossil fuels energy f) bio-mass energy
b) Nuclear energy g) geothermal energy
c) Hydro energy h) tidal energy
d) Solar energy i) ocean thermal energy
e) Wind energy j) ocean wave energy