What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Conventional Energy Resources?
1) Coal: as present is cheap.
2) Security: by storing certain quantity, the energy availability can be ensured for a certain period.
3) Convenience: it is very convenient to use.
1) Fossil fuels generate pollutants: CO, CO2, NOX, SOX. Particulate matter & heat. The pollutants degrade the environment, pose health hazards & cause various other problems.
2) Coal: it is also valuable petro-chemical & used as source of raw material for chemical, pharmaceuticals & paints, industries, etc. From long term point of view, it is desirable to conserve coal for future needs.
3) Safety of nuclear plants: it is a controversial subject.
4) Hydro electrical plants are cleanest but large hydro reservoirs cause the following problems.
a) As large land area submerges into water, which leads to deforestation.
b) Causes ecological disturbances such as earthquakes.
c) Causes dislocation of large population & consequently their rehabilitation problem.