Raj Kumar
Computer Science And Engineering

What are the basic differences between the POP (Procedure Oriented Programming) and OOP (Object Oriented Programming)?

Object Oriented Concepts


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 Emphasis is given more to procedures (functions)   Emphasis is given more to data in OOP
 The programming task is divided into a collection of data structures and methods or functions.  The programming task is divided into objects (consisting of data members and associated member functions)  
 Procedures are being separated from data being manipulated  Procedures are not separated from data, instead, procedures and data are combined together and put into a class
 A piece of code uses the data to perform the specific task    The data uses the piece of code to perform the specific task
 Data is moved freely from one function to another function using function parameters.  Data is hidden (using private and protected access specifiers) and can be accessed only by member functions, not by an external function.  
 Data is not secure in POP  Data is secure OOP due to the use of access specifiers
 POP follows the top-down approach to solve the problem  OOP follows the bottom-up approach to solve the problem  
 As the size of the program increases the debugging becomes difficult  Irrespective of the size of the code the debugging is simple and easier in OOP.

   Raj Kumar
Computer Science And Engineering

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